Ms. Shelly's Classroom News

Ms. Shelly’s Classroom News

October 5th-8th 

Bible Theme:  Jacob & Rachel Have a Baby (Genesis 30:22-24)

Letter of the Week: Ff

Sweet of the Week:  Abraham

Upcoming Events

Pancakes & Pajamas-A Reader's Theater on Saturday, October 9th at 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.

**We are performing at 8:15 a.m.---please be ready to go at 8:00 a.m.**

**Please let me know as soon as possible if you can attend!!!**

Circle Time Activities

List Ff words on the chalkboard, make the letter sound together, make Ff's with HWT sticks, Calendar, Weather, Question of the Day, 

"Five Green and Speckled Frogs"--practice for Pancakes & Pajamas, Show & Tell on Thursday/Friday, songs and stories 

Jesus Time Activities

Introduce theme for this week—Jacob and Rachel Have a Baby, share the Bible story, sing Jesus songs and pray together 

Projects We Will Work On This Week

Writing Practice--upper and lowercase Ff's and first names, Make Ff Books, Friendship Paintings, Friendship Bracelets


Sensory: Frogs in sand

Easel: Painting with Flowers for Paintbrushes

Dramatic Play:  Housekeeping 

Language: Ff books, Alphabet center working with Ff picture cards, magnet alphabet letters, dry erase board with markers, upper and lowercase alphabet cards, HWT sticks, chalkboards, phonics activities, alphabet matching puzzles, alphabet letter matching game 

Block:  Wooden and foam blocks, farm blocks, bristle blocks, cars, people, animals, books, paper and colored pencils 

Art:  Stencils, papers, scissors, markers, crayons, colored pencils, glue sticks, tape, dot markers and other art supplies for the children to be creative with

 Writing:  Paper, pencils, thin markers, crayons, colored pencils, scissors, tape, alphabet stamps and stamp pads, stickers, alphabet tracing books, notecards, name tracers and alphabet stencils 

Fine Motor:  Puzzles, tweezer game, playdoh with alphabet and shape cookie cutters and shoe tying practice

Math & Science:  Math:  magnetic shapes, fish counting game, patterning activity, Fall patterning activity.  Science:  Animal skins matching game, potato heads, food groups

We will have Show & Tell on Thursday & Friday this week…Please help your child find something to share that begins with the letter Ff!!  Feel free to contact me with any questions!! 

Have a great week!!!                 

Ms. Shelly:)